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Fashion (Page 11)
It's time for your husband to put away the flip flops for the season.
These are the key items that save my butt, especially on days where I have important meetings and have to…
Admit it: Your husband seems to wear the same shirt in varying shades of blue every day. Mix up his…
Comfort doesn't have to trump style! These shoes will keep you on your feet all day.
There's a whole world of (#onfleek) happenings out there that would be weirdly awkward for us (#basic) mommas to try…
New moms: wear these 10 items at your own peril!
Check out these easy, nursing-friendly wardrobe staples that'll get you back into the swing of socializing.
Let your wallet do double-duty as a super cute clutch come date night.
Choosing what to wear can be a challenge when I'm trying pick outfits that work from 6AM all the way…
Say buh-bye to butt floss!
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