The New Mom’s 5-Minute Kitchen Cleaning Routine: Step-By-Step

My husband and I had our first baby a few months ago, and now more than ever I’m finding it crucial to get things done efficiently around the house. When the kiddo goes down for a nap, it’s a frenzy of work emails, DIY projects, and household chores—I never knew I could fold laundry so fast.

Recently, I got my kitchen cleaning routine down to a science and figured out how to get it sparkling in about five minutes (no joke—I timed myself today). I’ve started doing this little five-minute routine daily, and it has worked wonders to eliminate the epic cleaning sessions that sneak up on me when I ignore the kitchen for days on end. Here’s how to make your kitchen sparkle too!

Step 1: Start by just putting away clutter.

Our kitchen is the first room in our house, so sometimes it becomes a depository for all kinds of junk—shopping bags, receipts, sunglasses, and on and on. Not to mention the dirty dishes that tend to hang out on the counter and in the sink. Take about two minutes and put all that stuff away!

Step 2: Next, wipe down all your surfaces.

Clorox Pump ‘N Clean™ Kitchen & Dish Cleaner is my new favorite tool for this step. Just leave the bottle on your counter, grab a rag or a paper towel, press down on the bottle to pump, and clean away! Wipe down your counter tops, table, and appliances. Clorox Pump ‘N Clean™ Kitchen & Dish Cleaner is food safe*, too, so you can give the same treatment to any dishes or utensils that need washing. (Especially handy if you’re cooking and cleaning as you go!)

Step 3: Use your final minute to add a little touch that’ll make your kitchen look clean, homey, and inviting.

Put some flowers out or shine up a bowl of fruit and set it on the counter. I like to use the Clorox Pump ‘N Clean™ Kitchen & Dish Cleaner to wipe down the citrus from the trees in our yard, so we always have something fresh and pretty on the table.

The end! You’ve got a fresh, spotless kitchen and hopefully a whole bunch of extra time to put your feet up and relax. (And by put your feet up and relax, I mean tackle that laundry or change all the light bulbs…) Now, on to the bathroom!

*Do not use to clean up after raw meat or fish.

This post was sponsored by Clorox. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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