DIY Organic & Natural Homemade Weed Killer

Do you get uncomfortable going through the chemical-filled garden section at your local home improvement store like I do? Every time I start looking for something to solve my garden weed problems, I get nauseous just being near all of those noxious products. That’s why I turned to a more natural solution for all of my pesky weed issues.

If you search the internet, you’ll find a few organic and natural homemade suggestions to get rid of weeds. I had tried two of the most popular suggestions: spraying a vinegar solution on the plants, and dousing them with boiling water. Neither one gave me the greatest results, so one day I decided to combine the two methods into one. Trust me that this is a surefire organic and natural homemade weed killer that will get rid of your pesky weeds in no time.


  • Distilled white vinegar
  • Dish soap
  • Boiling water
  • Spray bottle


Step 1: Pour your vinegar into a plastic spray bottle. Add 5–6 drops of dish soap in the spray bottle and shake to combine.

Step 2: Boil tap water and place it in an easily pourable container.  

RELATED: 11 Best Cut Flowers to Grow in the Garden

Step 3: In the morning, pour the boiling water on the weeds you want to kill. 

Step 4: Spray the weeds with your vinegar solution.

Step 5: Check on the weeds in the afternoon to see how they’re doing. If there are still signs of green, repeat this process the next morning. 

After you use this organic, natural, homemade weed killer, you’ll never go back to that toxic aisle at the home improvement store again.

More DIY Ideas:

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