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Gardening (Page 4)
Take your container garden to the next level with 4 simple tips!
Here are my tips to keep your preschooler involved once the seeds are in the ground!
I upcycled this old water trough into a beautiful planter for my herb garden!
It's finally time for me to bust out my spring seedlings---in super cute DIY flower pots.
If you've got mason jars laying around, you've got the perfect DIY spring gift!
More fun ways to help your child nurture a love for gardening!
Dirt + seeds + your kids = DIY garden magic!
Growing veggies right outside your kitchen is easier than you think. See how!
Grape hyacinths scream spring---make them bloom in your home in winter with these foolproof instructions
Want to start your own mini-garden and show your kids where food comes from? Use kitchen scraps to grow veggies!
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