
Create a Back to School Launch Pad

School calendars seem to vary so much nationwide, it’s possible that your kids may already be back in school. In the area where I live, most schools traditionally begin the day after Labor Day. I don’t know about you, but I really like this schedule because it allows us to squeeze the absolute last few drops out of Summer and the month of September feels just right for getting back to business.

Here’s a great way to begin and end each school day, by creating a “get out the door quickly organizational space” that will help everyone leave on time and without too much drama over lost or misplaced school items, jackets and shoes while everyone is rushing to get ready in the morning.

In some parts of the country these spaces are referred to as “Mud Rooms”, but no matter what you call them, just think of this space as your personal  “launch pad” to help everyone get out the door on time and it will also teach your kids some disciplined habits that will help them to stay organized.

So let’s get started by showing you a few ideas for how to build your organizational launch pad.


The charmingly homespun look of this tidy compact mud room, is a great example of just how simple it can be to pull together one of these spaces for your family. Check out how these cleverly stacked wooden crates work perfectly for storing away shoes, books and backpacks. Next add a few simple coat hooks overhead for hanging jackets, scarves and backpacks and you’ve got a space that’s pretty much good to go. 




I already feel calm and organized, just by looking at the soft soothing color tones and clean lines found in this custom built bench and overhead storage unit that even includes a line of coat hooks.  The soothing sage color on the walls makes a perfect complement to the off-white Ivory colored paint on the built in cabinetry. Choose a couple of organizers or baskets to slide underneath the bench for storing away sports accessories, shoes or anything else that needs to be kept off the floor.




The classic country look of this Vermont Farmhouse entrance is nicely accented with a gorgeous long bench that looks like it might have been an antique pew in an old church or schoolhouse at one time. If you can’t find a similar and affordable bench to suit your needs, there are many pew resources available to help you locate a church pew or you could have a more affordable reproduction bench built. Finish off the warm look of this entrance and organizational drop off place, by adding the warm and friendly look of a few woven baskets that will fit neatly underneath the bench & store lots of miscellaneous items like shoes, mittens, scarves and umbrellas.



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