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Decorating the nursery without finding out the sex of my baby proved shockingly difficult.
This year, as you’re running up and down the hallowed halls of Target trying to keep your kids from trashing…
When the doctor announces that the little bundle you’re expecting is a girl, you automatically have visions of sugar, spice,…
Sippy cups are quite possibly one of the most utilized kids accessories. And quite possibly the grossest! You’ve seen the…
Packing when traveling with a baby is a major project. What if you forget something?! Check out this list of…
Midterm elections are this November, and here’s what you need to know. When my eight-year-old came home from school soon…
Jet lag is the worst. These essentials will help you and your kids get over it faster.
I Hired a Housekeeper to Save My Sanity and Have No Regrets Whether we’re stay-at-home moms, or working moms,…
Start aqui! Help your kids learn Spanish with these great reads.
Check out these inspiring baby boy shower themes -- and prepare to create an event everyone will remember.
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