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Confessions (Page 11)
My 6-year-old rocking out singing "I feeling sexual"? Ah, no thanks. I won't let my kids listen to explicit music…
No one likes mom guilt. It seems like the moment that the first baby is placed in your arms, it’s…
During a recent trip to Disneyland with my ex and our children, I found myself asking "what if" a lot.
Clutter has always caused me anxiety. My daughter’s bedroom falls somewhere between overstocked flea market and overstuffed dumpster. Walking in…
My mom is extraordinary. Growing up, I would often see her as the villain and my dad as the hero.…
Kids are bored. There has been much to-do about kids being bored. Why are they bored? Should we allow them…
There are must-haves for moms everywhere. As moms, multitasking is not a talent, it’s our new normal. Alongside being omnipresent…
The fact is, dear husband, toddlers are tough. They don't have the tools to express themselves properly. So, instead they…
Valentine’s Day used to be a day of heart-shaped boxes of chocolates and badly written but incredibly sweet poetry. But…
See, as a parent you have to do what works for you and your own kid.
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