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Confessions (Page 26)
Now that I'm a mom my perspective is completely different.
I should have known better. Allowing seven 7-year-olds to take over my house was a recipe for disaster, but that’s…
The sacrifices we have to make now are worth being able to stay home with my kids.
The paperwork pile-up has gotten so bad that I have visions of "Hoarders" filming from our yard.
The vigil I would so passionately like to attend? It starts right at bedtime, and my husband’s working late and…
There are ways to promote your business without making everyone unfollow you on Facebook—and none of them involve spamming your…
I don't think I'll be asked to volunteer at school again. Can you relate?
The terrible twos are a basket of kittens compared to what moms face once their offspring become threenagers.
Needy family members and aggressive friends are expecting way too much of me, way too soon.
I would never hit another adult to solve a conflict in my life, so why would I hit my child?
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