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Confessions (Page 27)
Nearly 30 years after President Reagan designated October as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, the topic is still taboo.…
It's not like I have magical face-wiping skills. I'm not the only one capable of reading the kids' menu aloud.…
I need somebody to help me squash this damn uncontrollable urge to tickle baby feet all day every day.
We carry a lot. Our minds never shut off.
I'll be able to chat when the kids are older. For now, I'm relying on texting and wild gestures to…
I've got my Facebook profile on serious lockdown, even if it does make me look like a b*tch.
No, I don't have a bun in the oven. I have a well-deserved mom belly.
If you've ever felt like you gave birth to an adorable little vampire, this is for you.
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