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Confessions (Page 30)
It’s a constant struggle to be thankful for what I have, demand to be seen, give up on getting recognition,…
It’s Selfie Day today and a new survey released by ALDImobile reveals that Australia is a selfie-loving nation with smartphone…
When I was a kid, there was no summer routine, and my mom never felt guilty about it. And neither…
It's total bullsh*t and I’m so over it.
I won't take my daughter's princesses away. She isn't learning from them how to look pretty or find a man.…
I never planned to nurse for this long. Truly. But the fact is, I'm not ready to stop.
See, swear words for kids include stuff like "shut up" and "jerk" -- words I try to use in order…
The thought of my own daughter struggling with her body image breaks my heart.
I read my son's phone. All. The. Time. And that's how I discovered that something was very, very wrong.
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