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Confessions (Page 31)
You know, those days when you aren't able to give because you have nothing left. And, you aren't able to…
Let me cherish my final months taking care of just one sweet girl, while I nest and prepare for the…
I'm over you. Well, if we're being honest, I never liked you to begin with.
There is something special about that sibling bond in adulthood that helps you survive the trials of life. Especially the…
I won't be "covering up" my daughter to please anyone, so keep your narrow-minded, anti-feminist opinions to yourself and move…
Before kids, I was happier. There I said it.
A little humility can go a long way.
Instead of the "best of both worlds," as people like to insist that I have, I often feel like I…
Like it or not, all of our kids are somehow going to be affected by mean girl behavior at some…
Here's the thing: parenting is NOT easier today than it was in her day. Why can't she see that?
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