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Confessions (Page 35)
Sure, my toddler acts up in public and defiantly writes in crayon on the wall. But, she does some pretty…
See, if you were to change your own behavior, you could positively impact not only your son, but every bullied…
See, homeschooling isn't as difficult as many people think it is.
And no, it's not because I'm lazy. I'm actually doing us all a favor.
He'd rather spend hours creating detailed costumes. And no, he's not missing out.
Your tights-destroying antics are KILLING ME! Well, not me, specifically, but definitely my wallet.
I was stunned by your advice, but here's the thing: You're right.
My husband is happy to watch the kid solo and let me have a night off, but I don't often…
Admitting that time is marching on hurts.
My daughter's body is her body, it is no one else's. Not even her parents should expose it without her…
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