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Confessions (Page 39)
While I'm busy filling my daughter's childhood with interesting adventures, I'm missing what's happening right in front of me.
A mom reveals the trials and joys of raising a son with this rare genetic disorder.
The movement that has exploded and turned movie stars into diaper moguls, has turned elitest, exclusionary, and downright nasty.
Your first birthday was emotional enough, and you were still a baby. At 2, you won't be a baby anymore.
If you're a mom, you need to figure out a way to get over your regret and love your kids.
I did something I’ve never done before, for my daughter's sake, and a teacher criticized me for it.
All of these things are unnecessary and possibly even damaging. So please, just keep quiet.
My internal dialogue is different this time. He seems tinier than I remember his brother being at that age, and…
And I feel guilty about it.
#16. Squatting is not an option.
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