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Confessions (Page 4)
#1. They're developing sharper negotiating skills.
Do you have tattoos? If so, how to do you explain them to your kids? Our blogger shares her experience.
The anti-pink, anti-girlie thing is narrow-minded and annoying. Here's why.
Before I got pregnant I fully intended to work through my pregnancy, take a short maternity leave then head back…
I’ve always operated on a need-to-know basis with my kids when it came to providing information and as their mom,…
Allow me to paint a picture of our family life: when I wake up, the first thing I do is…
“If you could have any superpower what would it be?” This is a light-hearted conversation that can spring up between…
#1. You need 25 cards. They are only sold in packs of 12, 16, 24, and 36.
And here's the thing: Even though they don't mean any harm, people who say this to little girls are sending…
My twins are making friends side-by-side, so I can’t help but compare their different ways of interacting with others.
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