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Confessions (Page 42)
That's right: I keep my mouth shut until asked to open it.
I haven't even started my full-time job yet, and I'm already facing challenges that I never anticipated.
“It feels like carrying a hand grenade that may or may not explode.” – Kristin S. of Austin, TX
I need a little of me back, little girl. Just a little.
My son's long hair is constantly criticized on social media, and I'm sick of it. We as a society need…
Because most of us haven't taken a shower alone since we became moms.
I don't understand Pokemon Go, so I stay home alone during my family's adventures. And, I LOVE IT.
My son has taught me life-changing lessons. Lessons that have made me a better person.
“I hear angels singing. Or maybe that's the hum of the dishwasher. Whatever.” --Pam M. of Boulder, CO
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