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Confessions (Page 46)
And no, these stars don't hold anything back. Which famous moms can you relate to?
#4. Showers are now taken with a live studio audience.
#2. She might burn the house down with the imaginary matches she will surely make appear from thin air.
Life is so much better since I found out how to stop being judgmental. RIP Judgy.
Yes, we've all imagined listing at least one of these in our local paper at some point.
Then I got hit with a truth bomb that was about to blow my world apart. A man was seized,…
#4. You can do anything you put your mind to.
#15: Just because you’re growing another human in you doesn’t mean you won’t end up carrying everybody’s everything all day,…
I've had enough of getting smugged by sanctimummies. Any danger you might be one?
Were it not for all the violence, your confident singing might have really inspired my daughter.
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