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Confessions (Page 49)
For the last year and a half, my children have watched me do something that I thought was impossible.
I tell my 5-year-old not to sweat the small stuff, and this debate goes directly against that teaching.
I just can't compete with the water-bringing, ball-remembering, soccer-knowledgeable parents.
#17. You can’t always blame the boy for the pungent pool of pee on the bathroom floor.
Those tiny undies with trucks on them are not a personal attack on you. The fact that my kids have learned…
#6. Pick up around the house before company comes over.
#5. Let him follow his own dreams, instead of expecting him to follow ours.
#19. Who the hell do those Barbies think they are, looking at me like that? AT LEAST MY SCALP ISN’T…
"Mommy wars" get all the attention, but dads aren't all that nice to each other, either.
I got sick of never, ever having enough freaking time -- so I made these major changes.
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