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Confessions (Page 5)
I’ve always been a sentimental person. As a child, I saved every ticket stub, photograph, and scrap of paper my…
“Why don’t you just leave?” The other mother at playgroup said it softly, but it was deafening to me in…
It sends a mixed message. We're saying, "Hey kids, don’t talk to strangers, but you HAVE to sit on this…
#3. You don’t have to spend holidays alone.
I can respectfully celebrate Christmas and still be a "good" Jew.
First-grade girls are really cute, but they can be surprisingly mean. That was the consensus among my fellow first-grade moms…
I remember when my first son was little, his Christmastime excitement filled the house with joy. We’d pile up presents…
Our elf can broach any topic and it doesn’t seem as confrontational as when I bring it up.
Let’s be honest: Without modern essentials like the miracle of optometry, I’d be screwed.
The holidays tend to bring back childhood memories for me; good and bad – but mostly good. The good ones…
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