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Confessions (Page 50)
People assume that dads don't parent equally and willingly -- but that's just not true in our house.
As a babysitter, I felt sorry for the moms who acted hurt when their kids were happy to see me.…
It has always been about survival for me, never perfection.
#11: To enforce a solid three days off from all markers and paint before school picture day.
Listen, I'm thankful. I swear. But that doesn't stop me from absolutely loathing the day. Are you in the same…
Before you judge me, you need to know that my kids ALWAYS do their own projects, I just... help.
It's hard to imagine my precious baby having crushes, but I'm getting glimpses of what's ahead.
Something's stewing in the zeitgeist: a simmering tension between the happily childless and mums.
To the neighbor: Do you have some vodka and some mac and cheese I can borrow?
These women are amazing mothers. Friends. Confidants. And my personal Inspiration.
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