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Confessions (Page 51)
But, in the past week, I have had three different empowered WORKING moms tell me that I have to get…
#2. Getting (& staying) naked with my man.
We are well-connected and tech-savvy -- and we absolutely must have these things.
We just had to have these things with us and on us during all of our summer adventures.
#4. The horror of a conference call suddenly switched to Skype.
I had to earn the money to buy what I wanted as a kid. But, today, kids get cash whenever…
#13. His reaction to you saying, “No,” would make Shakespeare give him a standing ovation.
Of course I'll teach my daughter not to lie. But there are some things I'll tell her as she grows…
#3. Sniff someone else’s butt in public and make the shruggy, “It’s probably just a fart!” face.
Designing my first nursery is so much fun and extremely exciting!
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