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Confessions (Page 52)
#6. My Kid’s Barrettes in My Hair
If you "friend" me on social media, it's because you want to know what's going on in my life. Often,…
Yes, I'm that mom sitting on the bench at the playground reading my smartphone, and I'm not ashamed.
After it happened, I sat there, double-parked, with tears streaming down my face.
Ever tried peeing with one hand tied behind your back? If you're having a baby soon, you'd better get used…
I totally respect that co-sleeping works for some families. Mine is just not one of them.
For starters, eating with threenagers is a freaking disaster.
It's not OK to criticize a child, even if what you're saying is masked as a backhanded compliment.
Growing up with a unique name can be tough. As I child, I wished my parents had given me a…
Before you think I'm the Grinch Who Stole Mother’s Day, let me explain.
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