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Confessions (Page 53)
I should have seen the warning signs long ago. Even that initial honeymoon phase with my daughter's pediatrician was fraught…
Here are a few surprising things I literally had to pull out of my daughter’s mouth.
I'll go ahead and say it if no one else will: Sometimes I don't love motherhood, and I would change…
Planning ahead is absolutely essential.
Before I was a mom, I was VERY idealistic ...then reality hit.
My kids are A-students when it comes to losing things, especially if it's one of these items.
To my kids’ future roommates and spouses: You’re welcome.
I'm amazed by the intimate things that people I hardly know will tell me, like these epic overshares.
And yes -- I included the time I forgot to put my potty training kid in a pull-up before going…
How many things on this list do you say to your kids?
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