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Confessions (Page 55)
And no, I didn't teach them to say "please" and "thanks" so that everyone thinks, "Oh, what nice boys."
My kids see a person who isn't mindful or focused--someone who needs an electronic distraction constantly.
While I’m deeply in love with my tiny bundle of heaven, let’s face it: Life with a newborn is not…
Number 4 is the worst!
Hint: Just listen to the researchers.
Sometimes I just think girls are easier.
I’m not just a buzzkill about junk food. There’s a whole host of things my kid don't get to do.
As they've gotten older, their bond has only grown stronger.
I embrace the "weird" in my kids, with their mismatched outfits and made-up songs and odd way of running.
And yes, our conversation about it took a surprising turn.
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