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Confessions (Page 56)
It’s not intentional, I swear. I just can’t seem to help myself.
Sometimes I just want to drink my coffee -- or do dishes -- in peace.
For starters, the kid acts like a preschooler even though he's in first grade.
Cuddling at 3 a.m. is peaceful and perfect + more reasons my boys can wake me up anytime.
In fact, the confidence my kids gained from their six-minute adventure was immeasurable.
Most days I don’t feel like I’m exactly nailing it as a mom, but hey, that’s up to me and…
Even my son has no idea how he did on the "Gifted & Talented" test.
As the case in Maryland proves, there are busybodies lurking everywhere, just waiting to intervene.
Stay strong on your new year's resolutions with these great tips from real moms!
I freaking hate to ski, OK? But, there are important reasons for my boys to learn (and love) the sport.
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