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Confessions (Page 57)
A dad's horrifying comments about my son still haunt me. The worst part? I thought this guy was my friend.
I assumed I'd be a pro at the newborn thing the second time around. But, um, not so much.
I've done both, and there were striking similarities in my experience.
For 90 days, I'll only spend money on basic necessities.
Number 5 is for your own good (trust me).
I quit my job to spend more time with my son, not drown in housework.
While I raise my cup of tea in salute to those moms who don't yell, I’ll be honest, I do.
Somehow, they've come to depend on me to be their entertainment director.
I'm grateful for my kids, but that doesn’t mean my needs ended the day they were born.
Parenting labels make me cringe normally, but this one is intriguing.
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