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Confessions (Page 58)
One "Toronto Star" columnist suggests that it is. Here's why I disagree with him.
Our son is totally the huggy/kissy type. A kiss on the forehead just won’t do.
This unique kind of mom guilt never lets up, so I've decided to stop it once and for all.
And I don't feel guilty about it, thanks to #4 on my list.
Now that my kids are 3 and 7, I can look back and see what I've done well as a…
We live in Toronto, and the Rob Ford scandal has been impossible to avoid.
Celebs aren't the only ones dealing with this irritating issue. It happens to all of us moms.
Now instead of negotiating with my kids to use the restroom, I’m patting myself on the back.
I want them to understand consequences and see how their actions can make someone else feel.
For one thing, we have to talk to our biracial children about racism sooner than we’d like.
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