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Confessions (Page 62)
It's okay to admit that your kids really irritate you. These moms dished on their biggest pet peeves, and we…
Anyone else miss carrying a nice handbag -- you know, the kind that isn't filled with cracker crumbs?
My daughter is only 8-months-old, but she's taught me so much already (#4 is especially true!).
On a recent flight with the fam, I flashed back to my days of posh (solo) first-class travel. My, how…
So I'm making changes to help keep them from suffering during my deadlines.
My twins share a lot, from their room to kids meals. But they shouldn't have to share everything.
I can thank my little girl for teaching me this very important lesson (even if she didn't mean to).
Gun shots. Explosions. Sirens. No, this isn't a police raid -- it's the drill at the high school near my…
I thought my son's love of games involving action and killing meant he was dark or even weird -- until…
Every sentence begins with “Mumm-eh-ii-yy," followed by high-pitched questions that end on down-notes.
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