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Confessions (Page 64)
I worked with my 3-year-old to give up his pacifier -- but I had a hard time letting go.
In England, dinner can be dinner or sometimes lunch. And sometimes tea is dinner. It's all confusing to me and…
A car accident with my son in the back seat made me change my bad driving habits and create 5…
Babies are adorbs, but here are some ways they could be a tad more perfect, starting with teeth.
I want my son to celebrate his birthday without the latest Elf on the Shelf.
At a concert, I see girls being oblivious to those around them and hope my kids won't be like that.
From French dinner table habits to cheeky British lingo, I've picked up lots of tips from my international mom pals.
Ballerina Misty Copeland's Under Armour TV ad, "I will what I want," can empower girls -- and boys.
Becoming a mom landed me on a super sharp learning curve about who I am and what it means to…
... Especially if they're misbehaving on the playground. I think other parents should, too.
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