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Confessions (Page 67)
The worst part: My kids realize that I'd rather play on my phone than play with them.
You know, like those days when your kid's diet includes more treats than broccoli and kale.
I signed on recently only to see various mom friends talking about their amazing/exciting/exotic travels.
I never signed up to be one -- but then my son got into the game.
Jack turns 7 soon, but I'm struggling with giving away his tot toys to make room for big boy stuff.
I love that the famous sisters say they learn from each other's unique styles.
Finding good options is hell now that my kids are older.
I need a break from the grind of keeping my kids' lives on track. Now is the perfect time to…
By striving to make your child "the best," you're failing to see something much more important.
It's unimaginable to me that a child would be asked to leave a restaurant because of scars on her face.
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