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Love & Sex (Page 2)
The dreaded phone call. In 2021, is there anything worse than having to dial a person on a phone and—God…
I’ve noticed something about myself that has always been there and I just didn’t make the connection: I get grumpy…
Women vs. Men’s Toilet Seat Shenanigans—it’s a tale as old as time itself, really. Will we ever win the war?…
Navigating the world of sex after becoming a parent has been a challenge. It felt as if there was some…
Once you have kids your energy seems to get depleted and sex is often relegated to the back burner because…
Is it at all possible to go back to school without blasting out social media posts announcing each kid’s new…
#3. Your new motto is, “Touch anything but the boobs.”
I sat on the edge of the bed and told my husband that I needed to talk to him. I’m…
Even if you and your ex are on good terms, managing a co-parenting schedule can be hard on the whole…
When I got pregnant my husband’s main concern had nothing to do with the baby. He kept bringing up how…
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