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Love & Sex (Page 3)
And here's the thing: I was still the best mom I could be, even when I didn't nurse my child.
For starters, it's a colossal feat requiring limitless emotional and physical energy, as well as restraint.
You struggled (and succeeded) in finding him the perfect holiday gift. Now it’s time to pick out a cool and…
Women have been fighting to have our voices heard since forever. We’ve had to struggle to prove our worth…
January is a frosty b*tch. Sure, February can be more brutal, but by then we’ve already been broken by the…
Resolution #1: I’m not going to swear as much. Broken by: 5:23 a.m. on New Year’s Day.
I tried to make it better by reiterating that the spirit of Santa is very real, but the grown-up truth…
Here's what works for me year after year. Maybe some of it will help you, too.
Oh yeah I feel it in the air—do you? That electricity! That charge! That panic of moms everywhere suddenly realizing…
My best friend decided to adopt a newborn baby. When her daughter was about a month old, she was walking…
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