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Sex (Page 2)
#3. It keeps you healthy.
The male reproductive system fascinates me. I’ll never forget the first time I saw an actual penis in real life;…
Between ballet lessons, Kindy Gym, preparing snacks and meals, playdates, long sleepless nights, piles of washing, cleaning up messes, and…
The second best way to spend your summer is hanging out on the beach or by the pool holding a…
If Fifty Shades was your first foray into bondage and dominance erotica, you need to make up for lost time.
When my children were small, I felt disgusted that the parts of my body that gave them nourishment and comfort…
I have two kids already, so I’d rather practice making babies than actually make babies.
Here's how to explain what's going on without having to explain what's really going on.
No one tells someone healing from a broken leg to hurry up and tap dance. So a woman recovering from…
I say every girl needs one -- but I wasn't prepared for my 3-year-old to find mine.
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