Parenting hazardous to health, warns U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy.
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Parenting Is Hazardous to Your Health, Surgeon General Warns

Caregiving and developing a good relationship with their children are some of the core goals of parents. However, according to a new advisory by U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy, parenting can be hazardous to one’s health. Murthy, a father of two, expresses that there is a strong connection between caregivers and parents’ health and their children’s well-being.

However, parents are more likely to develop high stress levels than those without children. This is due to the long hours they spend on childcare and their extensive working schedule. As reported by The Guardian, the surgeon general advisory warns, “Demands from both work and child caregiving have come at the cost of quality time with one’s partner, sleep and parental leisure time.”

Parents are so stressed that it is a health issue and they can’t function

As mentioned earlier, Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy’s new advisory warns that parenting is extremely stressful and hazardous to health. According to The Guardian, the report also addresses parents’ mental health in the U.S. It claims that the mental health of parents can impact the emotional atmosphere, caregiving consistency at home and responsiveness. These are vital factors for a child’s cognitive and emotional development.

The report further states, “Children of parents with mental health conditions may face heightened risks, including for symptoms of depression and anxiety.” They may further face “recurrence and prolonged functional impairment from mental health conditions.”

Some major factors that induce stress for parents include children’s safety concerns, financial worries, and anxiety over time scarcity while they are away from work. It also includes anxiety regarding minors’ unhealthy association with technology and social media. The advisory report writes, “Nearly 70% of parents say parenting is now more difficult than it was 20 years ago.” It is due to the increase in “children’s use of technology and social media.”

Possible solutions for these issues include policy development and changes in personal behaviors. The advisory also recommends reforms, including more access to paid family leave, mental health programs, and workplace reforms.

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