mom baby waking up video
(Photo Credit: @pocketsofpennys / Instagram)

Change in Baby’s Waking-Up Position Captured in Cute Video

A mom documented the change in her adorable baby’s waking up positions in a cute Instagram video that will definitely brighten up your day. Jacqueline Zorn, a mom of one sharing glimpses of her motherhood on social media, captured how her 8-month-old daughter, Penelope, woke up in different positions every day. The clip started with Penelope lying in her crib when Zorn entered the room, showing how it changed over the next two times, and it couldn’t get any cuter.

Mom shows how baby is in a different position after waking up in viral video

mom baby waking up video Instagram
(Photo Credit: @pocketsofpennys / Instagram)

One of the highlights of Jacqueline Zorn’s motherhood experience as a first-time mom is this video of her finding her baby waking up in different positions. Zorn captured her 8-month-old daughter waking up in three different positions. She shared these little memories in an Instagram video that has since accumulated millions of views and hundreds of thousands of likes, along with heart-melting comments comparing her infant to a “Disney baby” and calling her the “cutest potato sack baby ever.”

The text Zorn’s video compilation read how “nobody talks about when the wake ups go from…” before showing Penelope’s different positions. The first part showed the mom entering her baby’s room to find her lying on her stomach and greeting her with the widest, teethless smile. She similarly recorded the next position, creating the perfect transition as she walked into the room to find her sitting on her tiny bed with a pacifier. The last bit showed the baby girl standing and leaning on the crib’s barrier, eagerly waiting for her mom and flaunting her beady eyes.

In the caption of her baby’s waking up video, the mom joked about some “cutting onions,” suggesting she got teary-eyed owing to all the cuteness. Additionally, the positive comments made the post even better, with one user pointing out Penelope’s excitement “to see her mommy walk through the door.” Another commenter highlighted “the next stage when they start calling for you,” while several others dropped dozens of comments about the baby’s cute smile.

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