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Parenting In the News (Page 24)
Watch this adorable clip of a little girl meeting her dad's identical twin for the first time.
Alanis Morrissette shares her uniqe views on attachment parenting her son.
Have you heard about the latest rage in parenting? Many parents are going gender neutral.
Find out what our nursing blogger (and mom of two) thinks about the super model's now infamous breastfeeding photo --…
Find out how these moms describe themselves versus how they were described by their kids.
The cutest Halloween Baby costume has been found! Watch the video.
New research reveals that moms who describe themselves as outgoing and social are more likely to breastfeed their children.
Here’s a reason to stick to a bedtime routine: a new study shows that children who lack consistency and go…
Does having kids ultimately mean sexual death? Find out more.
A recent study shows that your kids are making you fat!
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