20 best book series for reluctant readers

20 Really Good Book Series to Tempt Reluctant Readers

I’ve always been a bookworm and many of my best childhood memories are tied up in books. I remember being totally engrossed in my first Trixie Belden book, sprawled across my sister’s bed in our house in Alice Springs, NT. The fact that the Trixie Belden book was my sister’s and I was reading it despite being told not to might explain the fact that I was reading the book with one eye only – the other being trained nervously on the bedroom door.

Books are cool, aren’t they? I mean, we know that now, but chances are that many of you weren’t as excited about books as I was between the ages of 7 and 16. My own daughters are reluctant readers, preferring to spend their ‘down time’ doing art and craft and writing – but they are slowly coming to the party as I entice them with books I know are even more fun than art and craft.

My son, Max, is just like me: he’ll read anything and everything, but it wasn’t always the case. For a while there I thought I had somehow managed to birth three non-readers – gasp! But it turned out that I just wasn’t offering him the right books and he quickly caught on once he’d found the Tom Gates series (read on!).

Trust me, there is a series out there that will open the rad world of reading for your child too. To help you get your own reluctant readers across the line, I’m giving you a list of all the books that finally got my kids interested in reading. 

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