Want Ads Moms Would Love to Make on @ItsMomtastic by @letmestart | Free Toys Funny Want Ads for parents and LOLs for moms

8 Funny Want Ads All Moms Can Relate To

Not long after kids learn to start throwing around words like “no” and “poopyhead,” moms start throwing around threats like “don’t make me sell you” and “if I get to three, I’m giving away all of your toys.” It’s hard not to think of the many frank and funny Want Ads you could write up if life worked that way — you know, like the Classifieds section of a newspaper. Here are some that most moms have been tempted to publish in their local paper:

1. Looking for a little help around the house.

2. Modeling follow-through for the next generation.

3. An honest listing.

4. When you think you’ve found The One, you’ll do ANYTHING to connect.

5. Acknowledging that your kids are far too effective birth control when in public.

6. Two can play at this passive-aggression game, sister.

7. They were around here…somewhere?

8. We’re done here.

What would your Want Ad say? Share it in the comments here or tag @ItsMomtastic on Twitter.

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