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Top Tips to Foster Positive Body Image in Your Kids

Is your child constantly worried about their body image, especially your tween or teen? Do they always question their body shape, skin color, hair color or texture, and weight? Parents, if the answer is yes, most likely your child is having body image issues. It is your responsibility to foster positive body image in your kids, which will in turn boost their self-esteem, confidence, and emotional wellbeing. If you are looking for some tips, here are a few ways to develop a positive body image in little ones (and grown-ups).

Start by leading by example to foster positive body image in your kids

Children tend to be influenced by people around them, especially their parents. Hence, make sure you are not passing on any negative remarks on your or anyone else’s body. You should instead downplay any and every negative comment about others’ looks. It would be best if you promote healthy habits like having a good diet, doing physical activity, getting a good night’s sleep, etc., for a healthy body and mind. Practicing these habits at home is even better. Your little ones will start picking up these healthy habits, thus giving their body the respect and care they deserve.

Teach your children to let go of perfectionism

No one is perfect, and perfection is a myth. This is one of the top things to teach your children. It is one of the best tips we can give you to foster a positive body image in your kids. What is perfect for them could be imperfect for their peers. So the idea of a flawless body is unachievable to begin with. Moreover, the ‘ideal body’ or ‘ideal looks’ is an everchanging concept that differs over the years. What was considered perfection in the 90s isn’t considered as such anymore.

As parents, you must teach your kids to take care of their bodies. They need to stay healthy physically and mentally to lead a happy life. Identifying their strengths will help them succeed in life. Running behind trends to get the “perfect” skin won’t do them any good. While it is alright for your little fashion or beauty enthusiast to play around with trends, it is never healthy to get obsessed with them. So, instead of being influenced by others, encourage your children to listen to their body and mind and do things that make them happy.

Talk freely about body image with your kids

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Always encourage your child to talk about body image and how they perceive their own bodies. The more they talk, the more you will be able to understand how it is affecting them. Create a safe space for them to share their thoughts and doubts. However, refrain from lecturing them or judging them about these issues.

Instead, try to talk to them in a calm and composed manner. Talk about body image neutrally for your kids to think more positively about their bodies. Tell them that characteristics like courage, kindness, being humble, and having a helping nature make a person beautiful. It is not about how they look. Explain to your little ones that people should value them for who they are.

Never judge others in front of your children

Please don’t label others, especially in front of your children. This will foster insecurity among your little ones as well. Instead, appreciate others for their intellectuality and character to show your kiddos exactly what makes a person unique. Looks are not everything there is to a person and it will be easier to foster positive body image in your kids once they understand this.

Normalize diversity to help your kids love who they are

Parents sitting on sofa with their daughter on a sofa and talking to her.
(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

With so much importance placed on physical appearance by society, parents must have their children normalize diversity. Making your kiddos understand the fact that bodies come in various shapes, sizes, types, and colors will help them understand that being different is perfectly normal. The sooner your kids are exposed to diversity, the faster they develop a positive body image.

Do not make food the villain

Never link food with physical appearance. Instead, educate them about the importance of having nutritious meals and how they provide nourishment to their body. So, do not tell your children to stop eating something or advise them to take a small bite of their favorite food just because they are gaining weight. This will make your little ones develop a negative relationship with food. Instead, teach them about enjoying junk food in moderation. You can also try introducing your children to various better alternatives to cultivate a healthy relationship between food and body.

Also, don’t expect your kids to develop a positive body image in one go. Firstly, it doesn’t work like that as they have to reshape how they view their bodies. Secondly, thanks to social media, trends, and peer pressure, their struggle with body image will likely come and go as they grow up. Hence, it is essential to have regular talks with your children to educate them about changes in their bodies and how overall health is so much more important than how they look. With your regular intervention and motivation, your little one will surely develop a positive body image in due time. So, mamas, help your munchkins as they slowly but surely come to love their bodies as they are.

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