Every four years, one extra day gets added to February, making it a leap year. So, instead of 28 days, the second month of the year has 29 days for that particular year. So, you have one whole extra day (the Leap Day) to enjoy the month (or one full day to get through before you get to enjoy March, whichever way you like to look at it).
Whether your kiddo is a leap-year baby or not, celebrating the extra day of the year makes Leap Day all the more special and something to look forward to. With 2024 being a leap year, it only makes sense to plan out some activities that the little ones will enjoy. Here are some activities you and your kids can enjoy together to celebrate Leap Day.
1. Gather exciting information on leap year

To get your kids interested or make them understand what leap year is, compete with them to gather interesting information (as much as you can within two hours). However, here comes the twist: one doesn’t have to collect the information from the internet alone.
You can go through books as well to get some fun facts. The person with the most exciting facts wins the game. Mamas, let us start you out: people born on a Leap Day are called leaplings, and about 4 million people worldwide are leaplings.
2. Make the most of Leap Day

This activity promises a lot of fun and giggling throughout Leap Day. Make leaping a part of the day. Right from waking up in the morning to going to bed at night, make sure you and your kids leap throughout the day while doing most of the chores. If this seems a bit of a stretch, allot half an hour or an hour of Leap Day for this activity.
You can also play games such as sack race, frog race, hopscotch, etc., on Leap Day, which includes a lot of jumping and hopping around. These activities will tire your kids, so they might sleep early, helping you quickly wrap up the last day of the month.
3. Spend money in the multiples of 29

This is an exciting activity to celebrate the leap year and pay homage to the special date of Leap Day. Give your kids, yourself, and your partner money in the multiples of 29 and see what they can get from them. For instance, give your kids 29 cents or $2.90 to share and see what they can get. You can even challenge your partner to shop for food or grocery items for exactly $29. This is an excellent activity for little ones to teach them about the value of money.
4. Investigate your family
This is a great activity to connect with your family on the leap year. Gather your family on Leap Day and ask your kids to collect information from their grandparents, cousins, uncles, and aunts from when they were 29 years old, what they did 29 years ago, how they celebrated their 29th birthday, etc. Tell your kids to gather evidence to support their answers. Who knows, the kiddos might find a leapling in your family who you never knew about.
5. Host a leap year dinner

Have a potluck party with 29 of your family or friends on Leap Day, with each member bringing something delicious. From starters to main courses, soups, desserts, or snacks, ensure you have 29 items on your table. It will be a grand dinner party with tons of food, but you can always save it for later or give some away to your friends/family to avoid food wastage.
If throwing a party isn’t possible, you and your family can make 29 cookies or cupcakes to celebrate the leap year. Alternatively, you can go to a restaurant 29 miles or 29 minutes from your house or with 29 in their name.
If none are possible, write a bucket list of things you and your kids will have done by the next leap year. Think of it like a Leap Day time capsule. Check the list after four years to see what you managed to tick off from your bucket list.
So, which of these activities are you planning to do with your kids to celebrate the leap year? Do share your experience in the comment section below. Also, are you or anyone in your family a leapling?