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Handy Health Tips Every Parent Must Teach Their Kids

Ask fellow moms and dads what they are most concerned about and most would reply with their child’s health. With a fast-moving and hectic lifestyle, a little one’s health should be everyone’s priority. That is why this Child Health Day, as a parent, it’s your responsibility to teach your kids these health tips to ensure they can maintain their physical and mental well-being at every stage of their life, even when you aren’t keeping an eye on them.

Giving due importance to sleep for overall well-being

Kids need to have at least 8-10 hours of sleep daily. This is not only to fight infection but also to repair any damaged cells. Moreover, your child needs to have screen-free time before heading to bed. Hence, teach your little ones not to watch TV or play with their gadgets before heading to bed. Instead, they can read a book before or during bedtime for a relaxed and deep sleep.

Keeping their sugar intake in check

Children love desserts, fruit juices, and soft drinks, which is alright if they consume them in limited amounts. However, excessive sugar intake can lead to dental problems, high cholesterol, etc. Instead, teach your kids to eat fruits (although not in excess) to satisfy their sweet cravings. Also, it’s always better to consult your doctor to know the permissible amount of sugar for your little one as per their age.

Moreover, encourage your kids to bake sweet treats from scratch at home. This way, they get to use healthy sugar alternatives like mashed bananas, sweet potatoes, etc., in their dessert for a guilt-free treat. Remember, sugar isn’t the enemy, and enjoying sweet treats is absolutely fine if not done in excess.

Drinking plenty of water

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Water is extremely important for the body. Our body needs it for our cells, organs, and tissues. Water helps regulate our body temperature and ensures our body is functioning well. Hence, this health tip is extremely important for kids. Encourage your child to drink a sufficient amount of water to keep their body well-hydrated. You can also give them herbs or fruits-infused water for added benefits. Consult your healthcare professional to know how many ounces or glasses of water are suitable for your little one as per their age.

Engaging in various physical activities

Physical activity is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Doing any form of physical activity can help children build stamina, manage stress, burn calories, sleep better, and so much more. So, instead of letting them spend hours in front of the screen, teach them to play with their friends and siblings. Be it swimming, playing tag, hide and seek, or any other game that calls for running around, they will help them grow stronger. Even doing yoga, climbing up and down the stairs, walking, etc., will benefit their physical and mental health.

Having a healthy diet

We all know having a healthy diet does wonders for one’s body. This is a health tip that you must teach your child to ensure they are happy and healthy even when they grow older. So, teach your kids to start their day with a healthy breakfast. Their plate should have protein, dairy, and whole grains. Having vegetables with every meal is also very important.

Fruits are yet another food group that should be a part of their daily diet. However, this does not mean your kid can’t indulge in any of their favorite meals. They absolutely can, but moderation is the key to maintaining overall good health. Having a perfectly balanced diet with occasional indulgence is more than acceptable. However, encourage your child not to stress eat, as it will only harm their body. Instead, they can relieve their stress in other ways like by writing in a journal, talking to loved ones, and so on.

Giving importance to mental health, washing hands (especially before meals), brushing teeth twice a day (in the morning and before bed), and maintaining good physical hygiene, are a few other health tips that you should teach your kids. These suggestions will be helpful to your children and ensure they grow into fit and healthy individuals.

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