This adorable sock snowman is a perfect preschool activity to make for those winter days when you’re stuck indoors
- Long clean sock
- Baby sock of a different color
- Glue
- Scissors
- Facial features like google eyes, triangle nose made of felt, buttons or stickers
- Pipe cleaner cut in half
- Round piece of cardboard about 2 inches in diameter
- Stuffing
Take the cardboard cirlce and stick it into the toe of the sock
…Like so!
Take a large handful of batting and stick it into the sock
Fill it with batting until it’s about 6 inches filled or so, tie a knot and cut off the loose ends
Tie a ribbon a little more than halfway up the sock and make a tight knot (this is the little scarf)
With your scissors make a litlte hold on either side where the arms will go.
Stick each of the pipe cleaners into the arms holes
With glue, add eyes, and a nose
For the snowman’s shirt buttons, you can just small buttons glued on or stickers like these stars I had.
Top of your snowman with a striped baby sock for a warm hat!