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DIY for Kids (Page 11)
Last week my kids were invited to a birthday party, so we bought a fun Find It Hidden Object game to give…
Emotions are running high in my house this year. If one of my girls isn’t rolling her eyes, then the…
We still believe in magic, fairies and pixie dust at our house. And my daughter decided that we needed to…
And yes, the stuff will entertain your kid for hours.
When it comes to DIY projects, it seems like little kids and grownups have all the fun—but that doesn’t have…
My ten year old and her friends are in peak sleepover mode. Slumber parties have replaced playdates, and fun DIYs…
My girls got their hands dirty, their minds racing, and their creative juice flowing as they designed mini living quarters…
The first time I heard the term, dirty art pour, I was intrigued. Seriously, how could you not be with…
It’s that lucky time of year where everyone is a wee bit Irish. We celebrate all things Irish on St.…
Get into the St. Paddy's Day spirit with your kids & these cute clovers!
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