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DIY for Kids (Page 19)
A gorgeous, sweet treat for Mother's Day? Yes, please.
Because it's finally warming up outside -- and you're ready for something the whole fam will love.
And it's so fun.
A collage project is easy to set up and absorbs my 3-year-old daughter for ages. The finished result is definitely…
I always steer my son to crafts that we can make using things we already have at home.
Because a snow day craft is totally necessary right now. Bonus: These Valentines are cheaper than store-bought cards.
My girls think painting on bread is infinitely more fun than painting on paper.
Bad dreams were waking my kids up -- and making them hesitant to sleep in their own beds the next…
Sometimes a girl wants to wear something different than a tiara.
And yes, my son can make these festive snowflakes on his own.
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