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DIY for Kids (Page 23)
If there is one thing I love more than a bulletin board, it's a donut.
Get the kids into the Olympic spirit with some gorgeous dress ups and activities.
Who says kids' crafts have to be fugly?
It's incredibly easy to grow these "popcorn crystals," or aragonite crystals, by just using vinegar and a special type of…
A super-fun craft activity that brings the charming Aussie series to life.
We're in the home stretch of summer break, and all those fresh ideas we had for entertaining the kids this…
I taught my boys the different density properties of oil and water with this super easy science project.
My daughter is obsessed with playing 'restaurant', and this easy-to-make bandana apron is her favorite play accessory.
I had to constantly remind my daughter to wear her apron, until she got to decorate her own. Now she…
My daughter loves to put on puppet shows; I love that this theater doesn't take up much space when she's…
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