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DIY for Kids (Page 25)
I'm putting my kids to work to craft up some chic framess they can give to their dad this year.
This stuff is so easy to make you'll wonder why it costs so much at the shops!
My girls came home from the beach with jars full of shells and we're putting them to good use.
My sons are identical twins and are always looking for ways to personalize their own spaces.
I've noticed that when I encourage pretend play, the more my son's social skills improve.
These bags are perfect for sweaty clothes, the beach, the playground, and even to wash lingerie in.
My son entertains himself during snack time with this project. The sculptures he makes are pretty incredible!
Chalk is SO easy to make. Who knew?
Use my printable Invitations to Create cards and a tub of supplies to entertain the kids for hours.
My kids have spent hours endlessly rearranging their faces.
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