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DIY for Kids (Page 28)
All you need is a fresh pair of sneakers and a little paint to personalize a plain pair of shoes.
Drop a subtle hint to your kids if you're gifting them a trip to Disney by setting them up with…
Got any kids or teens in the house this holiday season? This craft project is perfect.
Hide a few Hershey's Kisses under these for a sweet surprise at the table.
So many crafts are geared toward older kids. Here's a roundup of projects my youngest one loves.
Hanging out by the fire feels extra special for kids when they've made their own roasting sticks.
With the leaves beginning to drop, this is a fun afternoon craft that you practically can't screw up.
Whip up these DIY flag football flags in a jiff so the whole family can get in on the action…
A spin on the classic family tree, this is a DIY gift that teachers can build upon through the years.
Spookify your kid's notebooks in the spirit of "Hotel Transylvania 2."
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