
DIY No-Sew Costume: Frog Costume

With Halloween around the corner, all parents are on the lookout for cute Halloween costumes, but making handmade costumes can be tough. That’s why this no-sew kid costume is perfect; it’s wallet friendly and requires only minimal DIY skills. Your kids will love this No-Sew Frog Costume for Halloween.


  • green, black, and white felt
  • headband
  • scissors
  • measuring tape
  • hot glue gun (note: kids should never handle a hot glue gun)
  • 1 small round ramekin
  • 1 large round ramekin
  • cardboard
  • chalk marker


Step 1: Trace the larger ramekin onto the cardboard with the chalk marker.

Step 2: Cut out the circles along your traced lines.

Step 3: Repeat this process with the green felt, but add an extra 1/2 inch so the green felt circles are a little bigger than the cardboard circles.

Step 4: Cut a half moon out of the bottom of the cardboard as shown below. Place the cardboard on one green felt circle and add hot glue around the edge. Place the other green circle on top, lining up the edges so the cardboard is sandwiched between the felt circles.

Step 5: Fold the half moon around the headband on the side where you want to eyes to be.

Step 6 : Fold the felt around the headband and it add hot glue as shown below. The cavity in the cardboard allows the felt circle to be bendable in the space where there is no cardboard. This is what your headband should look like:

Step 7: Trace the smaller ramekin onto the white felt and cut out the circle along your traced lines.

Step 8: Glue the white cirlces onto the green as shown below:

Step 9: Cut out black circles a bit smaller than the white and glue those on inside the white circles like this:

Step 10: Find a cute trick or treater to try on the Frog Headband. Dress your child in green, and hit those houses!

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