Candy Corn Garland DIY

Candy Corn Garland DIY Craft


  • candy Corn
  • string
  • scissors
  • hot glue gun


Step 1: Cut your string to the length you would like the garland to be. made two garlands and made one slightly larger than the other for layering purposes.

Step 2: Lay out your string and your candy corn. This craft is much easier to do if everything is laid out before gluing, because hot glue dries pretty quickly.

Step 3: Start gluing! One by one add a dab of hot glue to the yellow section of the candy corn and lay the string on it.

Step 4: Let it dry and you’re ready to hang your new, festive garland!


Want more Thanksgiving crafts?

Find more fun crafts from Kersey Campbell at ARDOR.

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