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DIY for Moms (Page 14)
We all know that feeling of waiting until the last minute to buy a birthday gift or pick up a…
When my family travels, an in-flight necessity and road trip must-have is a travel pillow. There’s nothing worse than a…
Monthly baby photos weren’t necessarily a “thing” back when my mom was raising her brood, but nowadays they’re one more…
You don't need any carpentry skills or any special tools to get this project done.
My daughter is just like her momma (me) in more ways than one. She looks like me, She acts like…
I know you've seen these in stores---and the price is outlandishly high for what you're getting (which is essentially dead…
We see them every year; giant bows attached to luxury cars in commercials that pull at our heartstrings and make…
I’m a big crafter but knitting has always been frustrating for me. Until now. I was introduced to a special…
Popsicle sticks are a timeless crafting material, especially for kids. They are the source of endless baking and popsicle stick…
The weather is getting colder and colder! Warm up your family and friends with a cute DIY beanie using an…
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