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Parenting (Page 6)
Family gatherings, delicious menu items, pumpkin carvings, shopping for the spooky season, and scary home decor are a month-round affair…
One of the things that children love about Halloween is going door to door for the trick-or-treating tradition. While it’s…
Losing a pregnancy or an infant is extremely devastating for every parent. However, it’s usually the mother who is most…
There is nothing more devastating than losing a loved one, especially a little one whom you were getting to know…
Columbus Day is celebrated every year to honor Italian explorer Christopher Columbus’ arrival in the Americas on October 12, 1492.…
Pregnancy can be a roller coaster ride for many women. From being happy one night to being anxious the very…
Children are under tremendous pressure to excel academically in today’s competitive world. This could cause them a lot of anxiety.…
Ask fellow moms and dads what they are most concerned about and most would reply with their child’s health. With…
One of the most common health problems in children is constipation. However, before you give them any medications, try these…
Co-sleeping usually means sharing the same sleeping space as your child. While some parents love to share their sleeping space…
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